Stress-Relieving Techniques for Nurses Part 2
Okay, confession time: How many cups of coffee do you drink at work?
And how much sugar, flavoring, and cream go into your coffees?
I know, coffee is the elixir of life for many of us, but when it comes to relieving stress, coffee is actually the devil.
It does nothing to calm you, soothe your nerves, aid your digestion, or help you to sleep peacefully.
Tea, on the other hand, has been used for thousands of years to do exactly those things and a host of other health benefits. When it comes to relieving stress either during your day or at the end, a cup of the right tea can work wonders to restore your inner peace.
Here are seven tea “families”and their health benefits for you to try:
The poster tea for reducing stress and improving sleep, chamomile tea also reduces menstrual pain and muscle spasms.
Mint teas, particularly peppermint, aid digestion if you’re feeling constipated and soothe irritable bowels. They also offer pain relief for headaches and migraines.
Valerian Root
Valerian root teas help regulate nerve impulses, calming stress and anxiety levels and reducing blood pressure.
Ginger soothes chronic indigestion problems, including morning sickness. It also soothes joint pain, particularly helpful for those of us stand all day.
Loaded with anti-inflammatory agents and vitamin-C, rosehip teas help relieve pain and boost your immune system to fight off illness.
Often associated with brewing beer, hops can also be used as a tea to relieve depression, anxiety, and stress.
Sage tea has cognitive benefits for your brain, improving mental functions and memory, as well as improving mood.
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