In CT Assured Quality Homecare Solely Provides Non-Medical Care
    • JUNE 24, 2020
    ASQ Homecare Recognized As A Certified Age Friendly Employer

    ASQ Homecare Recognized As A Certified Age Friendly Employer

    Assured Quality Homecare, a leading home care provider, today announced that it had been acknowledged as a Certified Age Friendly Employer.

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    • JUNE 16, 2020

    Branded In My Memory

    As a child, my parents regularly warned me that I would be treated differently because of my skin color. I never wanted to believe them. When I was 11 years old, all of that changed when my father was assaulted and arrested in front of his family at the annual Brockton Fair in Massachusetts.  

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    • APRIL 21, 2020

    Proper Care Procedure For Your Cloth Face Mask

    In a recent article written by CNN concerning face masks, US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams warned that “Folks who don’t know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus.”

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    • APRIL 21, 2020

    Home Health Aides Have Greater Risk Of Infection

    The Norwich Bulletin recently wrote an article in which they highlighted Assured Quality Homecare and the challenges our caregivers face while providing care to our older adults. During their time with us, they learned that “For home health aide companies, those working in the field and administratively, considered essential businesses, continuing to treat patients in their homes and visiting the office means an increased risk of contracting COVID-19.”

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