
ASQ COVID-19 Update
The purpose of this blog is to reach out to our families and clients and let you know what we are doing about the coronavirus (COVID-19) to keep your loved ones and caregivers safe. Please watch the video below for information on our initiatives to help limit any exposures.
- We have joined the Littler, HCAOA, and myCNAjobs executive roundtable to address the current state and best practices within the home care industry in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. All the best practices that we learn from this roundtable we are implementing into our policy and procedures to protect your loved one and their caregivers.
- We have created and implemented our company employee policy in regard to the COVID-19 virus. Click Here to learn more about our policy.
- We have and continue to screen our clients, prospective clients, and employees for symptoms of the COVID-19 virus to limit its spread.
- Because caregivers are at greater risk of infection, all of our caregivers are equipped with hand sanitizers, wear face masks throughout their entire shift, and use gloves with providing personal care to tour clients to protect each other.
- At the beginning of every shift, when your caregiver’s clock in, we play a message that states, “If you or your clients are experiencing any fever, cough, or flu-like symptoms, please contact your office immediately. Please also be extra careful by washing your hands for 30 seconds with soap at arrival and frequently throughout your shifts.”
- We employ a total of four nurse clinicians with a combined 117+ years of experience. Two of the nurses oversee our caregivers and clients, one teaches all of our caregiver students in training, and the other provides care to our clients. Together they help ensure we are following and implementing the best safety practices.
- Our relationship with the skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, and assisted living communities make it easier for us to perform onsite assessments for any existing or new clients who are in those locations and in need of care in order to ensure safe discharges and transitions home.
- We hope that the information we’ve provided you helps you feel at ease knowing that we are following best practices and implementing new ones we learn in order to keep your loved one and our caregivers safe. If you have any questions, call us at (860) 373-0428 or email us directly at

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